H-Point: Benchmarking and Reference Files
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Put the knowledge you've gained from H-Point: The Fundamentals of Car Design and Packaging into action! This free package of .pdf files will enable you develop your design and validate your concept with detailed package drawings.
Package includes:
Basic Passenger Car Packages - Over 100 car packages with centerline, wheel location, occupant package and exterior dimensions.
Basic Truck Packages - Over 60 Truck, Van, and SUV packages with centerline, wheel location, occupant package and exterior dimensions.
Benchmarks - A collection of useful package chunks to help you develop your package based on vehicles with similar functionality and proportions.
Occupants - SAE 95th Percentile male driver manikin templates drawn at 10mm chair height increments.
Cargo - Stuff people put in cars drawn to scale with dimensions. Validate your concept and add character to your package drawing. Includes: Surfboards, Luggage, Bikes, Golf Clubs, Kayaks, TVs, and Labradors.
Example Benchmark Studies - A demonstration of how to use relevant benchmarks to validate your package.
Please note, this data has been created for educational purposes only and the accuracy of each vehicle package cannot be guaranteed.